How to View Click Map of a Page in Google Analytics

How to View Click Map of a Page in Google Analytics

Click maps are a great way to visually see where visitors are clicking on a page. Google Analytics provides click map under Content –> In-Page Analytics (See below).

Click on In-Page Analytics and the first page that you will see is your site’s home page. To view a different page, either click on a link on the home page (still within In Page Analytics) or select a page from drop down available on top left (see below).

Other options
  • Select click, goal value or a goal to display on click map and also a threshold from the drop down next to it.
  • Show Bubbles – this shows the orange bubbles and the numbers that you see in the report. This is the default view, when you first land on the page.
  • Show Colors – this options add another visual to the way you view click map, it is sort of heat map of clicks.
  •  Browser Size – This options show what percent of your visitors who see the area displayed in your report. By choosing this option you get a slider that allows you to slide and choose percent of visitors. As you choose the visitor percent, the page resizes to show the area of the page, those percent of visitors see.
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