Converting Facebook Leads into Sales
Last year my friend and mentor, Bryan Eisenberg, exposed the biggest lie of pay-per-click marketing:
“Keywords don’t fail to convert!!! It’s we who fail to convert visitors from those keywords.”
Bryan’s point is that as long as:
PPC Strategies & Pay Per Click News | PPC Hero- the keyword phrase is relevant to your business, and
- the keyword-based ads are relevant enough to your prospects to cause them to click on the ads,
- Are Facebook Leads Less Valuable Than Google Leads?
- How To Increase Your Online and In-Store Holiday Sales With Coupon Codes, Sales and Promos
- Facebook Ad Autopsy
- Catch the BEST Leads, Not the MOST Leads by Using Qualifiers in Your Ad Text
- How to Use Your Holiday Shipping Information To Reduce Risk and Boost Your Seasonal Sales!